
As a non-profit organization, we are grateful for any donations we receive. Rest assure your financial support will go put to excellent use.

Direct Donation

Aktion Club Theatre of Fairmont in Golden Belle and the Silver Key October 2023

If you would like to make a donation to Open Arts Minnesota, please use the PayPal link below.

Here are examples of how your donated funds are used:

• cover the rental costs of theatre space
• stage design expenses
• materials for creative expression


Pizza and a Pint

Pizza and a Pint 2023

Pizza and a Pint is Open Arts Minnesota’s signature fundraiser. Our 2024 Fundraiser will be Saturday, October 5th from 6-10 PM!


2021 Bronze Seal


Our organization earned a 2021 Bronze Seal of Transparency! Now, everyone can learn more about the work our organization does and easily contact us for more information.